Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Washington, Washington DC, Wisconsin, and Wyoming
Check out this great video
GMCC (General Mortgage Capital Corporation, WWW.GMCCLOAN.COM) is a Direct Lender/Mortgage Banker, headquartered in California. GMCC has been expanding nationwide to now being in 46 states which include: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington DC, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming . We specialize in Prime Jumbo/Non-QM, and Agency mortgage loans with an in-house underwriting ($100k to $5million), in-house doc and funding team for loans up to $10million, we strive for efficient turnaround times and have over 500+ Licensed Loan Officers to help.
GMCC offers many unique programs, including but not limited to:
All programs are subject to credit approval, do not guarantee credit decision, GMCC: Equal Housing Lender, DRE: 01509029, NMLS 254895, 1350 Bayshore Highway, STE 740, Burlingame, CA 94010
Please do contact GMCC (your direct lender for all your mortgage needs) at : www.gmccloan.com, info@gmccloan.com, 1-866-GMCC-WAY
1) 大额贷款计划自雇都可用一年报税收入 审核。而且利息低。 贷款金额Lowest $100k
2) 可用资产折算收入包括资产和净值 利息低。
3) 出租屋最少 20- 25% 首付 信用620 可不需其他收入工作信息。不需要point. Much cheaper than private /hard money
4) 大额贷款计划可用agency du 标准审核
5) 高科技公司借款人 80/10 2.2m ,利率极富竞争力;H-4 visa ok evenF1 visa 有工卡EAD 都有相应产品。
6) Lite doc. 可用WVOE and VVOE 2 个月bankstatements to qualify
7) 投资屋贷款 Special 25% 首付, 利率与自住屋相似。 15年浮动利率项目. 15% 首付投资屋贷款高达二百五十万。不需贷款保險 好利息 可用 full/lite doc
既使大额贷款GMCC 万通贷款银行都可in house 审核放款. Direct lender with over 100+ resources. 不仅利息低而且贷款计划超多超全加盟GMCC。Www.joingmcc.com. 我们GMCC 非常欢迎和房地产专业人士合作为消费者提供最好的货款计划和服务快速迅捷。 www.gmccloan.com
1) Non-Agency Programs, can use 1 year tax return income to qualify with good rate (full doc pricing)。Lowest Loan amount $100k
2) Non-Agency Programs can use asset/equity/bank statement to convert into income to qualify,close to full doc, lowest loan amt $100k+
3) Rental No ratio, 25% down min, Fico Lowest 620, No Job/Employment info needed, No point. Much cheaper than private /hard money
4) Non-Agency Progrms can use agency du guidelines to underwrite
5) Borrowers (especially High tech borrowers) , 80/10 million purchase price, very good rate similar to 20% down .
Also, 10% down up to $3million purchase price, no Mortgage insurance (15% up to $3m, no mi, better rate)
-- H-4 visa ok even for borrowers with F-1visa with EAd, doable for Non-Agency Programs
-- Credit and Employment history less than 2 years, At current job, RSU/Bonus less than 2 years, all doable
-- House Upgrade, buy without sell first. , can exclude deaparture PITI 100%,
6) lite doc. can use WVOE or VVOE with 2month bankstatements to qualify, 12/24 months bankstatements available too
cash out up to 70% of 5 million using bankstatement, $2million cash out.
7) A lot of Investment property mortgage financing Specials
-- Gift fund 100% allowed (30% down required )
-- 20-25% down similar to owner occupied
-- 15year arm available for rental special.
-- 15% Down , Investment, no MI, good rate, can use Full/lite doc
-- 40 year amortization, Interest only, cash out ....
Many More ......
** Even Non-Agency (True Jumbo Loans), GMCC can underwrite in house and fund in house..
Direct lender with over 100+ resources. not only low rate but also super wide spectrum of mortgage programs
Partner with GMCC。: Www.joingmcc.com or just email to info@gmccloan.com
We, GMCC do warmly welcome to partner will all real estate professionals/companies to help provide the best mortgage program
and fast in smooth and timely fashion for consumers whether rush purchase or refinance, please see www.gmccloan.com or email to info@gmccloan.com
Disclosure: all loans are subject to underwriting approval, does not guarantee credit decision, all programs are subject to change without notice
Jumbo Pricing
Agency Direct
Lite Doc
We compete with Retail Banks
Open House
RSVP Required - email to info@gmccloan.com
Wednesday 2:00 PM
(RSVP Required - text 650-996-1982)
For 1 on 1 Appointment RSVP (Text) 650-996-1982
Email Today info@gmccloan.com to explore your potential by partnering with GMCC
Highly Competitive JUMBO pricing
Effective Weekly Sales & Marketing Training
1 on 1 Mentorship Programs
Knowledgeable On Site Processing
Fast Delegated Jumbo Underwriting
GMCC 万通贷款公司 (General Mortgage Capital Corporation, DRE 01509029, NMLS# 254895, Equal housing lender, GMCCLOAN.COM) 公司创建于2005年, 总部位于北加州柏林格姆市, 于2009年正式成为直接放款机构(Direct Lender).
南北加州已有10个分公司,外州如德州、新泽西州、华盛顿州、佛州,北卡, 芝加哥地区 ,亚特兰大地区,内华达州以及DMV, 纽约,波士顿 东部地区等大型城市也设有许多分公司,拥有近600名贷款顾问,形成了以总部位于硅谷的在全美国最具规模和影响力的华人贷款公司之一。
我们是两房核准的直接卖家• 与众多家大型银行和华尔街投资机构(top hedge funds & Reits, investment bankers ) 直接合作,可内部审核,直接放款至4百万不管是查或者不查收入 甚至无收入贷款计划 自住房或出租,Exception to 一千万美金金额
我们有各种贷款项目能够适合于客户的贷款需求。 从agency 查收入至Non-QM loan 用生意现金流或者租金现金流或者资产等 和Jumbo Loan 都是我们的强项, GMCC as the residential direct lender Licensed in 49 states
对于自雇人士,外籍购房者以及在美留学生,包括各种签证人士,无需工作证明,无需工作收入,甚至外国人,我们都有相应的贷款计划。 贷款咨询在 GMCCLOAN.COM 贷款专家和公司 加盟 在。JOINGMCC.COM
All loan programs and rate are subject to underwriting approval and change without advance notice, additional restriction may apply.
This does not represent credit decision.
CA DRE 01509029 NMLS 254895 Equal housing lender ,HQ: 1350 Bayshore highway Ste 740, Burlingame CA 94010. GMCCLOAN.COM. JOINGMCC.COM. INFO@GMCCLOAN.COM.
Copyright © 2018 General Mortgage Capital Corporation -
All Rights Reserved.
For Licensed Professionals Only; Not for Consumers
General Mortgage Capital Corporation and eMeta Funding are licensed in the following state: Alabama – 23260, Arizona – NMLS: 1026178, Arkansas – 129989, California CFL – NMLS: 60DBO-66060, California DRE – NMLS: 01509029, Colorado – NMLS: 254895, Connecticut – NMLS: 254895, Delaware – NMLS: 038061, Florida – NMLS: MLD2191, Georgia – NMLS – 254895, Hawaii – NMLS: HI-254895, Idaho- NMLS: MBL-2080254895, Illinois – NMLS: MB.6761662, Indiana – NMLS: None, Iowa – NMLS: 2022-0038, Kansas- NMLS: MC.0025844, Kentucky – NMLS: MC782027, Louisiana – NMLS: 254895, Maine- NMLS: 254895, Maryland – NMLS: 254895, Massachusetts – NMLS: MC254895, Michigan – NMLS: FR0024243, Minnesota – NMLS: MO-MN-254895, Mississippi – NMLS:254895, Missouri – NMLS: 254895, Montana – NMLS: 254895, Nebraska – NMLS: 254895, Nevada – NMLS: 5419, New Hampshire – NMLS: 24850-MB, New Jersey – NMLS: 254895, New Mexico: NMLS – 254895, New York - NMLS: LMB 110903, North Carolina – NMLS: L-208502, North Dakota - NMLS: MB104140, Ohio – NMLS: RM.804881.000, Oklahoma – NMLS: ML014608, Oregon – NMLS: 254895, Pennsylvania – NMLS: 96566, Rhode Island – NMLS: None, South Carolina – NMLS: 254895, South Dakota - NMLS: 254895.ML, Tennessee – NMLS: 254895, Texas – NMLS: 254895, Utah – NMLS: 12679832, Vermont – NMLS: LL-254895, Virginia – NMLS: MC-7314, Washington – NMLS: CL - 254895, Washington DC – NMLS: MLB254895, West Virginia – 254895, Wisconsin – NMLS: 254895BA, Wyoming – NMLS: 4763.